Peggy Cordray
- Law School
Contact Information
- 614-236-6674
- Capital University Law School
Professor Margaret Cordray joined Capital in 1992. She currently teaches Evidence, Contracts, and Interviewing & Counseling. Since entering teaching, Professor Cordray has published on a wide variety of topics. Most recently, she has written a series of articles on the Supreme Court, focusing mainly on how the Justices select the cases that the Court will review. Courts, scholars, and journalists have relied on Professor Cordray’s scholarship in writing their own materials. In 2010, Professor Cordray established the Foreclosure Mediation Preparation Project at Capital. Through this project, students met individually with homeowners to help them prepare to represent themselves in foreclosure mediation. Students assisted over 400 homeowners through this program.- B.C.L., Oxford University, England
- J.D., Order of the Coif, U.C. Berkeley School of Law
- B.A, summa cum laude, University of the Pacific
- Evidence
- Contracts
- U.S. Supreme Court Docket
Expanding Pro Bono’s Role in Legal Education, 48 IDAHO L. REV. 29 (2011).
The Solicitor General’s Changing Role in Supreme Court Litigation, 51 BOSTON COLLEGE LAW REVIEW 1323 (2009) (with Richard Cordray).
Setting the Social Agenda: Deciding to Review High-Profile Cases at the Supreme Court, 57 Kansas Law Review 313 (2009), (with Richard Cordray).
Strategy in Supreme Court Case Selection: The Relationship Between Certiorari and the Merits, 69 Ohio State Law Journal 1 (2008), with Richard A. Cordray.
The Philosophy of Certiorari: Jurisprudential Considerations in Supreme Court Case Selection, 82 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW QUARTERLY 389 (2004) (with Richard A. Cordray).
The Calendar of the Justices: How the Supreme Court's Timing Affects Its Decisionmaking, 36 ARIZONA STATE LAW JOURNAL 183 (2004) (with Richard Cordray).
The Supreme Court's Plenary Docket, 58 WASHINGTON & LEE LAW REVIEW 737 (2001) (with Richard Cordray).
The Limits of State Sovereignty and the Issue of Multiple Punitive Damages Awards, 78 OREGON LAW REVIEW 275 (1999).
Contempt Sanctions and the Excessive Fines Clause, 76 NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 407 (1998).
Settlement Agreements and the Supreme Court, 48 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 9 (1996).
Evidence Rule 806 and the Problem of Impeaching the Nontestifying Declarant, 56 OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL 495 (1995).
Child Abuse Reporting Laws: Time for a Change, 20 Family L.Q. 141 (1986), reprinted in Protecting Children from Abuse and Neglect, 9-45 (ed. D. Besharov, 1988)
Numbers That Don't Befit the Court, in Washington Post, July 11, 2006 (with Richard Cordray).